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Invest in Your Health Now or Save for Later?

Taking a closer look at the consumer benefits of long-term care

How To Enjoy Your Money

A two part examination of how to find balance between spending and saving
By Justin Krane, CFP | Krane Financial Solutions

Just What Is Strategy?

Using SWOT analysis to define and implement business strategies
By Ryan Addis | Oakstream Partners LLC

The Underlying Value in Consumer Loyalty

Tech and media companies are paving the way for customer loyalty and retention
By Jim Cathcart | Cathcart Institute

How a Life Plan Will Improve Your Business and Your Life

Since seeing is believing, putting your plans to paper makes all the difference
By Daryl Wizelman | Draper and Kramer Mortgage Corp.

Race to the Bottom

Major world economies are devaluing their currencies by printing and creating money in an attempt to...
By Alan Hopkins | Manchester Financial

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